
Showing posts from January 29, 2016

Physics is "hot", Physicists are "not"

I had an odd conversation during the lunch-yap (the obligatory conversation during the lunch, somehow we grown-ups cannot eat quietly; neither lunch nor dinner, we have to talk about something while serving hypoglycemia (hunger)) about Physics vs Physicist . My colleague, who has established himself in Physics, academically (unlike me) threw this at me. He said, unlike the era up to 80s, where pursuing Physics meant something, being a Physicist was not only honor but was also more like 'being in demand', today it is not the same for Physicist. Many top IIT-JEE rank holders used to pursue integrated M.Sc. Physics, especially at the christened mecca, IIT Kanpur and the dejected but still in the top 100 or 200 ranks would run pillar-to-post to at least go for BTech in Engineering Physics. The ones who did not go for IITs, would still pursue Physics somewhere. Physics was hot and so were Physicists , back then. Unfortunately, today the situation is not the same. The essence o