
Showing posts from July 31, 2016

Why India “may not” win a Nobel in Science ever!

We Indians anyway have EGO in many things, from buying a TV to Car to going for specific schools to calling oneself IITian. Now when we add being a scientist who has contributed n terms of papers under Govt funding, he/she quite often thinks (leaving few exceptions) that he/she is so important that his fellow professionals are lesser souls. So petty thinking on such issues is natural, though you might call irrational; in fact it's being UNREASONABLE. To win a Nobel there has to be lot of other things than Science. I see westerners work in Collaboration from inter-department within a University/Research Institute to across borders. Indian scientists on the other hand might not do it with their neighboring scientist of the same department on the same floor. The only time they come together is during the 4 p.m. tea time, where in the name of scientific reckoning a show off is made of their skills with no absolute base on the discussion; these discussions are more of criticism and