
Showing posts from February 16, 2021

Work From Home... but for Whom?

COVID 19, undoubtedly has changed the world's diaspora. For ages, many aspects have changed man's life. From his days of foraging and vagabond lifestyle during the Homo-Sapien growth phase to discovering fire or farming and more. But all changes on man's life (pardon me, today it may sounds sexist, but I am habituated to old English style, so I mean mankind or all the humans) have not only brought a new venom but also a nectar that though, has not made him immortal but has remained with him for as long as possible. Glancing about those history is unwarranted on this post so I'll straight away jump to three major changes in man's life -  The industrial era The technology and service era The post COVID era What I can express is known by many very well, but something exclusive I can share here is, what industrial era brought to man's life is the idea of a job . Robert Kiyosaki, in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad , which I read somewhere in 1999, has vividly expressed t